The market for secured loans is becoming quite lucrative day by day. Increase in bad debt in case of unsecured loans has instilled the fear of losing the money among the lenders. Even a slight problem in credit rating and repayment capability may lead to rejection of a loan application. This has led to more and more people opting for secured homeowner loans. These loans are immensely popular owing to their easy availability, easy approval and flexible terms and conditions.
Secured homeowner loans are sanctioned against some valuable asset, such as home. Thus, secured loans are an attractive financial solution available for the UK homeowners to cater to their needs. Submission of security reduces the risk on the part of the lender. The home serves as the guarantee of repayment. As a result, the lender knows that there is no risk of losing the money.
The loan amount that can be applied in case of secured homeowner loans depends upon the home equity. The lender does a survey of the home or any other property to assess its value. The lender needs to be sure that the home equity value quoted by an applicant is correct and is sufficient enough to recover the applied loan amount.
The lender also takes into account the future potential value of property while sanctioning the loan amount. That is why a homeowner can borrow money up to 125% of the home equity value. There are some potential extra fees associated with the processing of secured homeowner loans. You may be required to bear the cost of property evaluation necessary for loan approval. If you are arranging the loan through a broker, then you need to pay some amount of broker fee to the broker.
Lenders emphasize significantly on the repayment capability of an applicant while sanctioning the loan. The applicant, if employed, needs to show bank statements for the last three months. The lender may also call or write to the employer to verify the employment stability of the person.
So, the homeowners have a great opportunity in the form of secured loan to encash their home equity and make their 'dreams' real.
Monday, June 4, 2007
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